Future work

This pages highlights where this project is moving towards…

N3tWar.exe mobile application! and knowledge base

Mapping of CWE to vulnerabilities and CAPEC to attacks… STIX CAPEC schema, references….The idea is to eventually teach why things are vulnerable/secure and which techniques are used (i.e. design patterns applied in a destructive context rather than a constructive one e.g. Pass the Ticket attack = CAPEC-645 “Use of Capture Ticketsmaps to CWE-522 “Insufficiently Protected Credentials”). Since this is an advance topic and difficult to gamify for know, most of this mapping will take place in the knowledge base(!) in the form of references and examples taken from reality. It should eventually be up to the instructors to decide how much in depth they want to go….

Framework to evaluate the effectiveness of game based learning

Work on the background story supporting the game /Game Lore