Spear phishing for information

In order to play this card attack, a dice must be thrown.
Spear phishing favors quality over quantity!
This type of spearphising is a specific variant of spearphishing.
It does not leverage malicious code. This technique relies on
social enginering in an attemtp to trick targets into divulging  sensitive information
This card will only affect high profiled targets.
The chances of spear phishing are relatively higher than other types of phishing.
Chances of success of this card will increase as the hacker level up its tier.

Note: Why does this card exists if there is already an spear phishing card? Experimental ..to have variation in the game and put in place some restrictions i.e this card can not be use for exploitation, only for information gathering.

The name of the card
Card Name:
Spear phishing for information
The card type
Card Type:
Social Engineering card type
Whether this card was meant to be played as part of another card
Single or Compound:
Whether this card must be trashed after being player or not
Play once or Constant:
Play once
Whether a certain requirement must be met before this card can be played
Condition/Requirement to play this card:
Attacker must have installed a web server in order to play this card.
The ATT&CK tactic this card belongs to
ATT&CK Tactic:
Initial Access
The ATT&CK technique this card belongs to
ATT&CK Technique:
Amount of bitcoins the player needs to pay in order to play this card
Price to play the card:
The amount of bitcoins the player needs to play to retreat this card
Cost to pay to retreat the card:
Cards that will counter this card
Security Awareness Training Card reduces direct the chances of success of this card. Patching and updating systems reduces indirectly the chances of success of this card.
How rare this card is

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